Getting in touch.
You can call our office at (281) 378-7640 to speak with a representative during normal business hours.
Contact Information
For information on how to contact The Fuentes Firm or any of our associates; click the following link.
TIDA is a nonprofit association with members devoted to sharing knowledge and resources for defense of the trucking industry. TIDA was founded in 1993 and has become the organization of choice for over 1,800 motor carriers, trucking insurers, defense attorneys and claims servicing companies. The organization is committed to reducing the cost of claims and lawsuits against the trucking industry. Members work to develop strategies and share knowledge to defend the trucking industry in personal injury, property damage, workers’ compensation and cargo claims. TIDA members advocate on behalf of the industry’s interests.
DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation. .
The Transportation Lawyers Association (“TLA”) is an independent, international bar association whose members assist providers and/or commercial users of logistics and transportation services, regardless of mode. TLA is dedicated to keeping its members ahead of the constant changes in all aspects of the specialized legal environment affecting the transportation community, regardless of the particular legal discipline involved. With commitment to excellence in continuing legal education, and a long tradition of collegiality and exchange of ideas, TLA is a resource for lawyers seeking to maximize both the quality of the legal services they provide and the quality of their professional lives.
The objective of this organization is to promote cooperative efforts for increased safety, efficiency and economy in all phases of highway transportation by commercial vehicles.
You can call our office at (281) 378-7640 to speak with a representative during normal business hours.
For information on how to contact The Fuentes Firm or any of our associates; click the following link.